Despre noi
Firma noastra organizeaza jocuri de artificii pentru evenimentele importante din viata dumneavoastra:
nunta , botez , zi onomastica, reuniuni , etc
Specialistii nostri executa jocuri de artificii de diferite durate , altitudini si cadente de tragere cu materiale diversificate : jerbe , candele romane , sori rotitori , cascade , baterii si bombite de artificii . Efectele sunt diversificate , de la mingi de culoare la inimi , palmieri , salcii curgatoare , etc. Durata unui joc de artificii clasic este de 4 minute , la dorința clientului putand sa crestem durata sau/si intensitatea !
Tot noi va oferim jerbele de interior la valsul mirilor , avand o durata de functionare de 20-30 de secunde si o inaltime de 2 metri . De asemenea , va oferim fumul greu ( pe baza de gheata carbonica ) pe toata durata valsului. Fiindcă ne respectam clientii , artificiile pentru tort sunt bonus! Asteptam sa ne contactati pentru a stabili detaliile evenimentului dumneavoastra!
Salut baieti
Vă vom face sărbătoarea
foarte special!
Birthday Party
Weddings Events
Engagements Party
Corporate Events
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Professional Team for Events
Review from our clients
" PartyOrganizer is very professional party organizer and has put together a great event in order to promote growth of this area. In addition, he makes sure every last drop goes directly to the cause that keeps us all on our toes as it relates with social justice & environmental activism. Thank you Mr Joe! "
Julia Roberts
Expeder Events
" experience with partyboomer is very nice and I am happy to add this as another example of what we can do together," he wrote. "I'll be going on a weekend off soon, so please stay tuned for more information. experience generally works better than it does during winter season "
Nike Jonesh
Value Mart Plus
" Very professional party organizer and has put together a great event in order to promote growth of this area. In addition, he makes sure every last drop goes directly to the cause that keeps us all on our toes as it relates with social justice & environmental activism. Thank you Mr Joe! "
Sunadr Pichai
Organizer Evento